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Turkish Universities Recognized in Syria

Syrian students have been significantly impacted by the war in Syria, which may be the primary reason why many of them have been deprived of achieving their dreams and ambitions. At the same time, Turkey has become a gateway for Syrian students to realize their dreams and reach their ambitions. Turkey has provided many facilities for students coming from Syria, where they can study in distinguished Turkish universities easily and without difficult conditions. In fact, there are universities that offer special discounts for Syrian students.

Syrian students achieve success and excellence in Turkey through studying at Turkish universities known for their academic quality, which provide various opportunities to participate in different cultural, sports, and recreational activities, and to practice practical applications inside and outside the university campuses. Universities in Turkey also offer many opportunities for student exchange and study at partner universities around the world.

In the following lines, students will learn about the list of Turkish universities recognized in Syria, so they can choose the university that is right for them.

Turkish Universities Recognized in Syria

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