Home » Turkish Universities Recognized in Egypt
Turkish Universities Recognized in Egypt
Turkey welcomes students from around the world, offering them many outstanding facilities. These include state-of-the-art infrastructure, a well-developed transportation network that ensures easy mobility, and special student cards such as the transportation card that allows students to use public transport at reduced prices. Additionally, modern student residences provide a comfortable environment that makes them feel at home. Moreover, the Turkish people are known for their warm hospitality towards all nationalities and respect for cultural diversity, making the study experience in Turkey unique and enjoyable.
Turkey attracts many Egyptian students to its universities, where they receive a comprehensive educational experience that integrates scientific and academic aspects with an entertaining student life. Turkish universities offer high-quality education and advanced educational facilities and pay attention to recreational aspects by providing sports facilities, including fields and fitness centers, as well as diverse student clubs, cinemas, theaters, and cafeterias.
One of the most important factors students consider before choosing a university is its recognition in their home country. Here, let’s discuss the Turkish universities recognized in Egypt.

Turkish Universities Recognized in Egypt
- Bahcesehir University
- Istanbul Aydin University
- Istanbul Medipol University
- Altinbas University
- Gelişim University
- i̇stanbul okan University
- istinye Universit
- sabanci University
- Biruni University
- Istanbul University
- maltepe University
- Çankırı Karatekin University
- Ahi Evran University
- Akdeniz University
- Aksaray University
- Amasya University
- Agri dagi University
- Ardahan University
- Artvin oruh University
- Bingl University
- Batman University
- Anadolu University
- Adıyaman University
- Bayburt University
- Bilecik şeyh edebali University
- Bitlis eren University
- Yozgat bozok University
- Bursa teknik University
- Manisa celal bayar University
- Dumlupınar University
- Iğdır niversitesi
- Bartın University
- Anakkale 18 mart University
- Afyon kocatepe University
- Balıkesir University
- Galatasaray University
- Dzce University
- Abant izzet baysal University
- Erzurum teknik University
- Erzincan binali yıldırım University
- Ankara University
- Ataturk University
- Çukurova University
- Ege niversitesi
- Gazi University
- hacettepe University
- Istanbul technical University
- Gaziantep University
- Erciyes University
- Izmir yksek teknoloji
- Cumhuriyet University
- Aydın adnan menderes University