Alexandria University

22 El-Gaish Rd, Al Azaritah WA Ash Shatebi, Bab Sharqi, Alexandria Governorate 5424041

Established in 1938, Alexandria University was founded in response to the increasing demand for academic education in Egypt. Initially named “Farouk I University,” it was affiliated with “Fuad I University” (now Cairo University). Teaching began at the university within the Faculties of Arts and Law in the academic year 1938-1939. Gradually, over the following years, the Faculties of Medicine, Science, Agriculture, and Commerce joined the university, and a branch for the Faculty of Engineering was established in 1941.

The university’s name was changed from Farouk I University to Alexandria University after the July Revolution in 1952. Since then, it has seen significant expansion in various fields, with the addition of numerous faculties and higher institutes.

Institutions of Higher Education

  • Faculty of Medicine
  • Faculty of Dentistry
  • Faculty of Pharmacy
  • Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
  • Faculty of Arts
  • Faculty of Law
  • Faculty of Commerce
  • Faculty of Engineering
  • Faculty of Science
  • Faculty of Nursing
  • Faculty of Physical Education for Girls
  • Faculty of Physical Education for Boys
  • High Institute of Public Health
  • Faculty of Fine Arts
  • Faculty of Agriculture
  • Faculty of Education
  • Faculty of Tourism and Hotels
  • Faculty of Specific Education
  • Faculty of Early Childhood Education
  • Faculty of Computers and Data Science
  • Faculty of Economic Studies and Political Science
  • Institute of Graduate Studies and Research
  • Medical Research Institute

Advantages of Studying at Alexandria University

  • Alexandria University is one of the most prestigious Egyptian universities that has produced world-renowned scientists and researchers who have won local, regional, and international awards, such as the Nobel Prize, awarded to Ahmed Zewail, an alumnus of the Faculty of Science at Alexandria University.
  • The university’s faculties and institutes cover all disciplines, from medicine, engineering, veterinary medicine, and business administration to law, tourism, and education.
  • The university has a specialized center for e-learning that prepares online courses and produces several electronic curricula in collaboration with other Egyptian universities’ e-learning centers.
  • Alexandria University publishes 23 scientific journals to disseminate faculty members’ research within and outside the university.
  • It offers a diverse and distinguished student life for both domestic and international students.
  • The university provides well-equipped dormitories that accommodate about 7,000 students annually.
  • It offers an open education system, providing opportunities for individuals to develop their cultural and educational levels. The open education system is based on the free choice of academic programs and continuous education.

Scientific Research

Alexandria University aims to elevate scientific publishing in Egypt to an international standard. To achieve this, the university:

  • Organizes numerous conferences that bring together entrepreneurs, innovators, and scientists to exchange knowledge and experiences.
  • Established the International Scientific Publishing Center to encourage researchers and provide necessary support.
  • Each university faculty has research plans to develop and enhance the educational process and provide a conducive environment for learning and scientific research.
  • The university publishes various scientific journals in different fields, totaling 23 journals.
  • Researchers at Alexandria University have contributed to the advancement of scientific research by obtaining numerous patents in various fields.
  • The Alexandria University Digital Library Project aims to facilitate access to global research and document the university’s scientific research history. The project involves providing the university’s holdings in electronic format, creating a repository for scientific theses, unifying Egyptian university libraries, and providing a unified catalog.

Student Life at Alexandria University

Student life at Alexandria University is not limited to academic study only; the university is keen to provide various student activities. Student activities at Alexandria University include scientific, sports, artistic, and social activities. The university also organizes exploratory student trips and has a specialized complex for student activities, including a stadium and a swimming pool.

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University Programs
International students percentage
Native students percentage
University size

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