Student Life in Kosovo
Before deciding on your study destination, you should be fully aware of what your student life will be like in that country and what to expect both on and off campus. Kosovo is a unique study destination in Eastern Europe, offering advanced educational opportunities and an exciting student life. From university events and festivals to thrilling activities available in every corner of Kosovo, let’s explore the key aspects of student life in this emerging European study destination.
What does student life in Kosovo look like?
Kosovo is a small, landlocked country in Southeastern Europe, in the heart of the Balkans, bordered by some of the most beautiful Balkan countries such as Montenegro, Albania, and North Macedonia. The official currency of Kosovo is the Euro, the same currency used by most of the European Union countries, and its capital is Pristina. Kosovo is known for its youthful population, with an average age of around 30 years, making life in Kosovo vibrant and inviting for students to explore and enjoy their time.
University Life in Kosovo
Kosovo boasts a variety of educational institutions, all adhering to European educational standards and committed to providing modern and innovative higher education. Many of these institutions receive international support and engage in strategic international partnerships, contributing to the development and accreditation of their programs, thus granting students strong and internationally recognized university degrees. Currently, many programs are offered in English, which is widely spoken in Kosovo.
The academic year in Kosovo typically lasts about nine months, with the start and end dates varying by institution. Generally, the academic year begins between late August and early October and ends between late May and mid-July.
Students in Kosovo can participate in numerous university events held almost throughout the year. These include entertainment events such as trips, annual celebrations, student festivals, social and sports activities, and international days. Additionally, there are academic and professional events like local and international scientific conferences, awareness campaigns, and career fairs.