Aviation and Airport Management

As aircraft manufacturing technologies evolve and airports are equipped and expanded, there is an increasing need for specialists in the field of aviation and airport management who possess knowledge and skills in areas such as civil aviation, information technology, aircraft, public economics, international aviation, logistics, airline security, passenger services, and international transport.

The attempts at aviation have been many since ancient times, and scientists have made numerous efforts with various ideas for aircraft manufacturing. At the beginning of the twentieth century, engine technologies evolved, enabling experts and designers to successfully design flying machines that perform successful air journeys. The aviation field has also been greatly influenced by technological advancements and global developments, witnessing significant progress in recent years.

Curriculum of Aviation and Airports Management Specialty

The duration of study for this specialization is 4 years to obtain a Bachelor of Science degree in Aviation. The following is the academic program content studied each academic year. It’s important to note that the details of the academic program may vary from one university to another, and you can visit the official website of the university where you want to study to learn the details of the academic courses you will take each year.

First Academic Year

  • Air Transport
  • Introduction to Business Management and Decision-Making
  • Microeconomics
  • Macroeconomics
  • The Airport and Aviation Operations

Second Academic Year

  • Financial Accounting
  • Introduction to Aviation Labor Law
  • Principles of Aviation
  • Marketing
  • Information Analysis in Aviation Management
  • Design and Planning of Aviation Strategies
  • Management Skills

Third Academic Year

  • Summer Internship
  • Airline Marketing
  • Air Transport Economics
  • Management of the Aviation Operations Service

Fourth Academic Year

  • Airline planning and network management
  • Security Systems Management
  • Aviation Laws
  • Aviation Security

The study of the Aviation Management specialization is divided into theoretical and practical parts, relying on training students in specialized aviation studios to equip them with the professional skills required in real-life work situations.

Example: Click here to view the academic program content for the Aviation Management specialization at Istanbul Gelişim University.

Job Opportunities for Graduates of Aviation and Airport Management

  • Cargo and freight companies
  • Air transport companies
  • Tourism Companies
  • Companies marketing air trips
  • Customs Clearance Services
  • Security Management at Airports
  • Airport Management
  • Airport Planning
  • Airport Equipment and Emergency Planning

Prominent Turkish Universities Offering Specializations in Aviation and Airport Management

  • Nişantaşı University
  • Istanbul Okan University
  • Istanbul Aydın University
  • Altınbaş University
  • Özyeğin University
  • Istanbul Arel University
  • Atılım University

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