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Graduate Management
Admission Test
Foreign language level determination test for employees, KPDS
Foreign language test forms for employees, dates for the foreign language test for employees, what is the foreign language test for employees
About this test:
KPDS is a test designed to assess the proficiency level of foreign languages among employees in general. However, many universities accept the results of this test for those who wish to pursue their studies for a master’s or doctoral degree. The required passing score for this test varies from one university to another.
Students need to verify with the universities they aspire to study at and inquire whether this certification is accepted or not..!
Content of the Test:
This test is not specific to one language; instead, it generally includes more than one test. The languages required alongside English are determined by the Higher Education Council of Turkey (YÖK). Other languages that may be included in this test are French and German.
Test Duration:
The test duration is three hours.
Test Fee:
40 Turkish Lira.
Sample KPDS Test for the year (2014) in Arabic with answers (click)
Foreign language level determination test for employees, KPDS
Foreign language test forms for employees, dates for the foreign language test for employees, what is the foreign language test for employees